fingers typing on laptop

Phishing scams are becoming more popular and sophisticated.

So, in this blog we’ve outlined some key tactics you should use, to help you identify a scam and keep you protected.

What is phishing?

Phishing is a type of cyber-attack. It occurs when a scammer attempts to get private or sensitive information from an individual by emailing, texting or calling them.

In these conversations, the scammer will pretend to be a legitimate company to gain the person’s trust and get their details.

Usually, they will try to get passwords, banking / credit card information, or any other personal details that could be used to gain access to your accounts.

How do I spot a phishing scam?

Being able to spot a phishing scam is key to protecting yourself, so here are some things to look out for:

  1. Sender identity – If you do not recognise the individual or company contacting you it could be a scam.
  2. Spelling or grammar mistakes – Communication that contains mistakes may indicate that the sender is not legitimate. For example, they could be using a misspelled email or website address. These mistakes may be subtle to avoid suspicion, so it’s a good idea to look carefully.
  3. Urgency – Another tell-tale sign that it could be a scam is if the sender is putting pressure on you to do something quickly. This could be asking for sensitive information or requesting bank transfers.
  4. Personal information – Scammers need specific information to access your accounts. So, if the sender is requesting personal details it could be a sign it is a scam.
  5. Unexpected deals or prizes – Often scammers will pretend they have a great offer available if you do something or they may pretend that you have won a competition / prize. So, if it seems too good to be true it's best not to trust it.

It’s important to be aware that scams are becoming more sophisticated, so it can be quite difficult to identify if it is legitimate or fake. Therefore, if the communication comes from a company you use (such as your bank) and it is unexpected, you should contact them directly to check it is safe. Make sure you get their contact details from their official website and not from the communication you received.

How can I protect myself from scams?

  • Learn about different tactics – Scammers are continuously evolving techniques to catch new people out, so it is always worth trying to keep updated on the latest scams. This can help you get better at identifying scams, which can keep you safe.
  • Use anti-virus security software and firewalls – It is always wise to invest in a good anti-virus security software and use firewalls to keep yourself protected. Using these can help to filter out scams and may alert you to information that could be risky to open.
  • Never give out sensitive information or details –Keep your personal details and information safe, by making sure you never give it out to anyone.
  • Assess your accounts regularly – Always check any online accounts you have, to make sure there is no suspicious activity. If you notice anything unusual make sure you change your passwords and notify the company.
  • Use a strong password – Having a strong password can help to keep you safe, provided you do not give it out to anyone. It is also always worth changing these regularly.
  • Check that the websites you’re using are secure – There are browser tools you can use that will help you to identify if a website is secure. These are often known as anti-phishing toolbars. It works by scanning the site and comparing it against websites that are confirmed phishing sites. If it is suspicious the tool will notify you, so that you can avoid it.
  • Never click on suspicious links or attachments – Many scams involve getting you to click on links or attachments, which will download harmful viruses on to your devices. So, if you’re ever unsure about any communication you have received make sure you do not click on the links or attachments.
  • Keep browsers updated – To keep yourself protected online; you need to make sure your browsers are updated. Scammers often discover ways to attack browsers, which is why new versions are released to prevent these from occurring.
  • If in doubt contact the company directly – If you receive communication and you are unsure if it is real, reach out to the company or individual yourself. Never contact them through information provided in the email, text or call you have received. Instead locate their contact details on their official website or through any personal documentation you have and ask them directly. This will help keep you protected, but it will also alert them to new scams.
  • Report the scam – If you think you have received a phishing email, text or call it is always a good idea to report it, to help organisations tackle cyber-crime. One way this can be achieved is by going on the official National Cyber Security Centre website and reporting it.


In conclusion, there are several signs you need to look out for when you receive unusual emails, texts or calls, which are highlighted above. Looking out for these signs can help to keep you protected and prevent you from falling victim to a scam.